Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Things that made me happy today:

An ice day. Nothing moving outside as we’re iced in for a few days.

Max got himself bundled up and took a walk this afternoon. He stopped at my house to borrow gloves, get his hoodie out of the zipper on his collar, get his waist cinched in in his new coat, and tuck everything in. He thinks he’d like to live where it snows. Needs a little practice in the wardrobe department. He does have a cap with ear flaps that looks like it came from the Korean War.

He was wearing the $24 jacket I bought at the thrift store. It is an AMAZING jacket. With most cold weather extras known to man.

I mostly stayed in my warm front room and worked on a puzzle, listened to my tinny tiny radio, read a good book, posted on facebook — you know, ice day pursuits.

I did make some cornbread for supper and had a big hunk in a glass of milk, my favorite way to eat cornbread. It was tasty.

You? I’d love to hear about your day. Snowy/icy pix especially welcome. Or toasty/warm pix.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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