Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Things that made me happy today:
At the Soto house, we have two bushel baskets of un-matched socks. Collected over months, I should add. So today Max and Ruby and I paired them up. After the first few dozen, true matches were exhausted, so we matched them up in more creative ways. You know, stripes, or animals, or really thick, or fuzzy. You get the picture. We also had a money reward system that is too complicated to explain. We had a good time with a tedious chore. We retired the left overs permanently.
Some New Year admin work — finishing my bujo set up, organizing bills, retiring some paper work, etc.
Max and Ruby and I visited several places to apply for jobs for them. Of course, each place told them to apply on line and someone would contact them. Let’s see how that all works out.
The weather turned sunny by afternoon, making a family event more pleasant. Followed by take out from Mooya, a favorite burger place.
And you? What made you happy today? I’d love to hear.
Keep going.