Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Things that made me happy today:
Early appointment at the chiropractor for Ruby. Adjustment and some acupuncture. I’m happy she’s goes to those modalities for taking care of herself.
Ordered some new hearing aids. Lost one of the previous pair, messing with mask, hearing aids, and glasses about a couple of years ago.
Haircut therapy with our family hair therapist. She’s been giving us the best haircuts for about twenty years. Amanda Jon Lundquist. Really, she’s good.
And Ruby had her annual performance review at school. She is rally sailing great these days, after a couple of terrible years with Kim Loehr Soto’s illness and death and Covid, back-to-back. Yay, Ruby for A’s and B’s and being ready for senior high school.
And, was last night’s sunset prescient? (I never get to use that word much.) My weather app says 87 high today. Weird. I do love sunny weather.
And you? I love to hear your happy report any old day.
Keep going.