Tuesday, August 29, 2023
These things made me happy today:
My rental car (while Yella is at the car shop) turns out to be a Lincoln. Enterprise says it’s the same rate as the Toyota Camry that USAA is paying for. I took the Sotos for a little joy ride after work/school today. It’s one smooth ride. The dashboard looks like a space craft. I don’t now what some of the symbols mean. Maybe an ejection seat?
I forgot how much fun the banter at the car rental place is. And realized that experience is something I miss about business travel. I used to travel a couple of times a month and I enjoyed “hospitality chat.”
I finished my latest puzzle this morning before any of the offices opened that I needed to call today. I get Max up about 6 to get to school on time, so there’s some unexpected leisure time in that gap.
Ms Bunny is hopping around in the back yard this evening. It is a Certified Wildlife Habitat, you know. There’s a sign.
And you? What’s making you happy these days?
Keep going.