Thursday, September 22, 2022
Things that made me happy today:
Max filled me in on a space epic story that he’s been constructing mentally (you know, while I’m watering the plants and don’t have much to think about) for a few weeks but with quite a bit of narrative added today. Rat people. Asteroids that are hollow and can be steered. A “boom rock” that is radioactive and can explode randomly but can also be strapped on your back for propulsion, etc. You get the picture. For the twenty minute ride home. My brain was swimming.
Ruby’s Mathnasium class is on Thursday nights. The resistance has disappeared. She leaves the house with a worksheet from this week’s Algebra class. What a girl.
Long zoom calls today with people I love. Covid + Zoom has had a huge impact on my relationships.
I cleaned off my “desk” (aka kitchen table) today. It’s amazing how much lighter it feels to sit here. I can see the things I’m working on. I’m a visual filer and when things get in a drawer or box or file cabinet — poof! They’re gone.
And you? I’d love to hear what made you happy today.
Keep going.