Thursday, August 4, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. My hand is healing every day. It’s amazing that something or other is happening day-to-day that’s noticeable. It’s still pretty banged up and not so pretty looking but all the parts are working. I have even more info to deliver, but you’ll just have to imagine. Yay, modern medicine!
2. The kids around the corner were selling lemonade this afternoon, so I stopped and bought some. (Important rule for neighbors: always stop and buy lemonade!) Some sibs and a cousin. English is not their first language, so conversation is challenging. They are saving for vacation.
3. The cousin is from Ukraine. She is here with her mom. Her dad and brothers have stayed behind as they are drafted. My neighbor has different information on the situation in Ukraine. I am glad the daughter and mom are safe here.
4. I really enjoy my Zoom day. Catching up with friends, being happy we have such easy contact with one another.
5. A new puzzle in my sunny front room. Birds flying in for running water in the back yard. My poinsettia from last year is setting in “blooms” for this year already. Life is good. Dog bones at Hirsch’s Meat.
And you? I’d love to hear.
Keep going.