Sunday, November 26, 2023
Things making me happy these days:
Yesterday was Cousins’ Club game day. We played Mind The Gap, a generational trivia game with a board and teams. The six teens played the “old guys” of 80, 60, and 50. Guess who won??
Church today. Always. One of the joys of having a young pastor is seeing their growth from year to year. Rev. Beth Dana knocked it out of the park this morning.
Some of our brunch conversation revolved around her sermon. The rest was just good chatting with dear friends. We had a big crew today — I think 10 or 11.
My Ruby is under the weather today. High temp and other symptoms. Tomorrow will be a day at home with me. She’s a good soldier when she’s sick but being sick is no fun.
Finally, my new Mac Book Air is humming away on my desk. Thank heavens for Time Machine backups that I do regularly.
Quiet afternoon with some puzzle time, watching Six Feet Under reruns on Netflix, and thinking about the next holiday. I am swimming in a sea of gratitude.
You? I’d love to hear what’s making you happy these days. Always.
Keep going.