Sunday, July 24, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. Church, always. We had a pianist who leans toward ragtime, so that was fun.
2. Coming a little early and staying a little after gives me a chance to catch up with folks. I am still liking one big service for summer (and while the a/c part gets here).
3. A tiny red and black bug flew from behind the visor and landed on my seat belt when I was traveling about 70, heading down the toll road this morning. A dilemma: stop and get a photo or get a good look while I’m driving. Didn’t do either. Just enjoyed having a tiny passenger. I did leave the windows open in the garage so he can show himself the door!
4. Tomorrow is my 6 week follow up with my hand surgeon. I hope she’s as pleased with my progress as I am.
5. Made a little bit of art, cleared off my studio work table, watered the yard twice before the sun came up.
6. Making friends with the other church Fit.
And you?
Keep going.