Sunday, January 29, 2023
Things that made me happy today:
Church. But you knew that, right? It’s Sunday, after all. The sermon, about covenant, was hefty and meaningful. The music was AMAZING. Brunch company was brief as I was the designated driver for Ruby Doo to . . .
Two grandchildren met with the other grandma to plan summer trips. She is treating each of them as they turn 16. These two are six weeks apart.
Finished my The West Wing binge. It came out the same way this time. Really good writing, performing, etc. I continue my amazement at how little progress we’ve made on important issues in the twenty years since the show aired. Ah, well.
My yella Fit just likes to park next to this other yella Fit. Who could resist? Notice both of them are a fur piece away from the curb. Fits have a notoriously low cowling in front.
The cold front arrived some time early this morning. I fed the crows in my sleep clothes and crocs and by the time I got to church at 930, it was in the 40s, it’s just below freezing now, with precip forecast for morning. Schools prepping for icy roads.
I’m prepping for a cozy night with some really good reading.
Keep going