Saturday, September 3, 2022
Things that made me happy today:
We resumed Corona trips and went to Eisenhower State Park this morning. It is basically 70 miles north of our neighborhood, just off US 75. It is next to Lake Texoma, a Corps of Engineers dammed lake that covers a deep-ish trench in the sea that used to be Texas. = tons of fossils
We usually say we’re going hunting for fossils, but there are so many that all you have to do is stop walking and look down. It makes for a fun hike.
On the way we saw a young armadillo making a zig zag dash across the highway. He made it.
Afterwards we had farm-raised catfish done just right at a place called Huck’s that must be the most popular place for Saturday Labor Day lunch for the locals. It was packed. If you go, just get the fish. Or the chicken. The rest is completely forgettable.
Max thought the lake looked like the Mediterranean. Texoma is a big lake, but not that big.
And you? What made you happy today? Or any day, really.
Keep going.