Saturday, September 17, 2022
Things that made me happy today:
Early morning lawn work — edging the walks in my front yard. My neighbor mows, I edge. It’s a division of tasks that works for us.
While working on that, I met a new neighbor who moved in a couple of doors down the street. This is a quiet and friendly neighborhood but most of us come and go through the alley and don’t meet often out front. The two of us even took the time for a chat and trading phone numbers.
Max and I went to the Credit Union to deposit his first pay check. What fun. They weren’t crowded on a Saturday morning and every one there celebrated with us. Even though it’s a big space, voices carry and several folks gave Max a verbal Atta Boy as we left. That was pretty sweet.
We also drove over to Mary Lou Hoffman’s house, who has wonderful green things on every square foot of her corner lot — the result of a Woman with a Green Thumb living in the same place for decades. The city is going to widen her alley and clear out quite a few of those square feet. So we helped with several spades full of garlic chives, some spider lily bulbs, and some iris that needed thinning. Max was really in his element plus — plants with a story for his house and mine.
My friend, Donnie Freeman, made me three new little guard rings for the ring I’ve worn for about 30 years. I looked down at my hand last weekend, and the rings I had had slipped off. Who knows where. I picked them up this afternoon. Donnie makes beautiful silver jewelry. I’ll put his website in the comments.
What a glorious day. And you? I’d love to hear what made you happy today.
Keep going.