Saturday, October 15, 2022
Things that made me happy today:
I mowed the back yard this morning. I let it grow for about six months and then cut it down. Kind of.
The little Texas anole who lives out there chased a moth across my window screen earlier today. The final act was when he took a giant leap off the screen when the moth flew away. The result was out of my view!
Ruby’s soccer team got whacked today. 5 or 6 to nil. Their level of play is one step up from a pick up game. No practice during the week. But they got a good workout. The other team has been playing together for years and years and is the best in their bracket.
Spectacular clouds today. I got a good view while I was attending the soccer game!
Two naps today. Sitting in my big reading chair in the living room was so quiet, I just fell asleep. Then I feel asleep again a couple of hours later. Must have needed some rest!
And you? I love to hear what made you happy.
Keep going.