Saturday, March 25, 2023
Things that made me happy today:
Ruby and I made a trek to Lowe’s to buy a shelf for her room. Turns out they didn’t have it in stock so we came home and ordered it on line. Ruby is a good interior designer. Maybe a pic after this is added to her room.
When I picked her up, she and I were wearing the same outfits — old running shoes, black socks, cutoff sweat pant shorts, and a baggy, faded tee. When her dad saw us, he said, You’re not wearing that to dinner, are you?
We did change for dinner @Ford’s Garage (Plano). The food was excellent, service was superb, and there are tons of car things to admire including some legit and perfectly restore Ford automobiles.
I made some art today. See below. The companion piece to the earlier one on the right. They’ll be sold separately at the Creative Community Member Art Show on April 23 at First Unitarian Church of Dallas. 9 to 1. Public welcome.
I stumbled upon my music on my iphone today and listened to it randomly for two or three hours. I ripped hundreds of CDs to my computer (and phone) during the Great Division and I thought I had accidentally erased the whole file a few years ago. A friend found them again via the Time Machine app (I am a religious user of same) and now they’re all back. It was great to hear 70s and 80s music most of the day.
And you? What made you happy today? I love to hear.
Keep going.