Saturday, January 7, 2023
Things that made me happy today:
Ruby needed a medical opinion and we saw a doctor in just a few hours, making an appointment and waiting at home. There’s a NextCare (formerly PrimaCare) clinic a mile or so from the house and it is usually pretty quick and is covered by our insurance. My privileged life.
Fair weather.
Packing up my china for another day. It didn’t want to leave, so I will keep it and use it myself.
I think some medium sized animal (coyote?) is sleeping in my yard. The grass is long in the back and there appear to be some circular dents where something is making itself comfortable. Plus a poop deposit earlier this week. They are sleeping under my sign declaring the yard A Certified Wildlife Habitat, so I’m assuming they’re literate coyotes. The best kind. I can’t figure out a way to look without scaring them away so I guess they’ll be there until they aren’t.
Looking forward to church and seeing friends tomorrow.
And you? What’s making you happy these days? I love to hear about it.
Keep going.