Saturday, August 27, 2022
Things that made me happy today:
1. Community Gathering day for the Partnership Course. Lots of guests — which makes it more fun. Five of my friends came. Whoohoo.
2. I picked up these crazy, rusty letters in the alley a year ago and they’re where I see them every time I look out the back door. I like that they look like they slid down the fence to the wood pile.
3. Facebook tells me that Max has had the same seasonal allergy in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. This same week. It stays around for several days. Then it’s gone, never to return. Until this week in August in 2023. What the heck is blooming now?
4. The rabbit in my front yard tonight has that gorgeous red fur across his shoulders. I wonder if he’s related to the fellow I had a couple of years ago that I called Red Rabbit.
And you? What made you happy today??
Keep going.