Revisit September 6, 2020



1. Finished that puzzle. Pic in first comment. it was fun, start to finish.

2. Two close-in stops on the family field trip today. One was the Say Their Name exhibit at First Unitarian Church of Dallas — about 200 pictures of black people who were just living their lives when they were killed, some by vigilantes, some by police or others. Stunning display. While we were there, we looked up the names of several folk we didn’t know. I knew quite a few stories and Max knew quite a few, too.

3. As the four of us were standing and talking, a black woman walked up in tears. I spoke to her and she told stories of being related or knowing several of the people pictured. While we were talking another couple from church walked up and joined the conversation. Turns out, the black woman had been trained in security and knew quite a few things about guns and shooting — Always Speak to Strangers.

4. Stop #2 was the Fabrication Yards in Trinity Groves. It’s an enormous graffiti “exhibit,” covering a few blocks. People can graffiti wherever they want. Several artists were at work while we were there. We went to see the new mural tribute to Chadwick Boseman but we couldn’t find it. It may already be painted over. Max loved the vibe there. (Max’s first public art exhibit was in the building that now houses several restaurant start ups. Way too many people there to check it out today.)

5. Church this morning. You know what I always say about that.

And you? I’d love to hear what made you happy.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.