Revisit September 28, 2019
5 things that made me happy today:
1. A really thoughtful sermon at church this morning, about the hardest commandment there is — Love one another. No matter what.
2. A brass quartet with Renaissance instruments. I’ll put the instrument names in later. Cornetti and something.
3. My kimono made by Valery Guignon just for me was ready and I picked it up! Wow!!
4. A little bit more work on my paper for the Conference. I think it’s done now.
5. A concert. At the Meyerson. By the Turtle Creek Chorale. With the Dallas Women’s Chorus. And three soloists. And a small orchestra. And Ruby and Mañin Soto and my friend Susan, and Stan Carpenter and Jerry Baden. Holy cow. What a night.
You? I’d love to hear what made you happy today! Reading about it makes me happy.
Keep going!