Revisit September 16, 2020



1. I got a replacement puzzle for the one with missing pieces. Yay for return policies!

2. Amazing conversation with Max and Ruby’s school to re-design their school experience. By the time we got off the phone, the new design was implemented.

3. Max met a new friend who may be his math tutor. Story to be continued tomorrow!

4. Attended a family meeting regarding a group trip to Japan in 2022. Sounds like fun. We’ll see.

5. Strange things are going on with FB this evening — here’s #5. With my Wisdom Elder group we are looking for where we acquired some conversations that have become part of our daily “operations.” Likely donors are family from early years. I have one called “They’ll never listen to me.” or “They’ll never say yes.” Or something like that. I’m happy to uncover them.

I’d love to hear what made you happy today!

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.