Revisit October 4, 2019


5 things that made me happy today:

1. Huge Black Bengal took a reading break with me today, stretched out on my bed. He is such a snuggler. He loved

Kim Loehr Soto

. I think I am his new Person.

2. Wow! An explosion of listers. I saw a half a dozen this morning. Seeing one list makes me happy, 4 or 5 makes me delirious.

3. Peppy music on hold this morning had me up and dancing with the phone to my ear. Jupiter the dog thought I wanted to dance/play with him. Silliness ensued as I tried to calm him down and the service guy came back on the phone.


Mañin Soto

and Ruby helped me make frames for my three collage pieces which are going to the TVAA show tomorrow. It must have been 110 in the garage but we got finished!

5. Max worked on a research paper about careers that use chemistry. He had picked chef. He found so much information in about 20 minutes that his forced interest turned into curiosity. I love that.

6. BONUS: Oh my. Baby Rowan is getting his new liver right now! Send prayers. Follow link in first comment.

How about you? What happened to make you happy today? I love to read about it.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.