Revisit May 6, 2020
1. More chopsticks. Ruby has mostly got the last set of six beats down. Sometimes she does seven.
2. Max is planning a large diorama in his workroom (my back bedroom) to display all the miniature figures he’s busy assembling and painting. 5' x 8' — design and build. We’ll be busy for a while.
3. He also wants 50 of a certain warrior. They come in sets of 5. So he had to multiply and divide to figure out how much it would cost him and if he had enough money to buy them this month or next, etc. I think we’re circling around some math here. Don’t tell.
4. Mr Amorous Anole came back to see me today, doing his little push ups and throat sac displays, so I came outside to see if it was me he was courting. Turns out there was Ms Anole in one of the louvers on the a/c unit. Much more size appropriate. I expect dozens of junior anoles running around this summer.
5. The scissor tail flycatcher is still across the street. Almost all day. He is still going at 830 pm. He is still trying every song and combination he can think of. I did think he was a mockingbird when I first heard him but hadn’t seen him. Lovely sound for the day.
I’d love to hear what made you happy today! Do tell.
Keep going.