Revisit May 29, 2020



1. The weather is as “balmy” as it gets in Texas at the end of May. 80s, breezy, sunny. All day.

2. I visited one of my favorite stores (Whole Earth Provisions) to buy one of their last jigsaws. (Ordering on line means a long wait. I think they make them After the order is received!) I was tempted to browse around because the store is built for that, but I made a quick visit. Looking forward to a longer one.

3. Fresh veggies for dinner, including corn on the cob. A favorite spring treat.

4. Found an outdoor spot, with tables and shade, near my house for some safe-ish meeting times.

5. Looking forward to a little road trip with the Soto family this weekend, to a beautiful and unoccupied outdoor space!

I love to. hear what makes you happy. Today or any day.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.