Revisit August 26, 2019
5 things that made me happy today:
1. A beautiful creamy white bloom on the okra that is oddly growing in the back yard under a crepe myrtle tree. I sense the hand of Max.
2. I am having text book customer service these days. Discount Tire replaced my front tires after only 10,000 miles. They were really worn — the effect of a much-needed alignment. Which I will get later this week.
3. Max has strep. We were in and out of the clinic in less than 30 minutes and home with the prescription in another 30.
4. Meet-the-teacher night at Ruby’s school. They probably say this to all the parents, but they all say she’s doing well this year. I hope we never have a year as tough as 2018 and the spring of 2019. She has a great school counselor and in Plano they move through middle school and high school with the kids, so I have a hunch Ms Wiley has briefed her teachers.
5. One of the Bengals got locked in the bathroom and other one has been crying and crying outside MY door. I finally got the message. Siblings!
And you? How was your day? I love to read about what made you happy — no matter how many things you have! It makes my day.
Keep going.