Revisit August 15, 2020
1. Too hot for outdoor adventures, I stayed inside all day. A little vacay.
2. Nice phone visit with my sister Katie Foster Dunn. We don’t do it often enough. Except for the first 12 months, she’s known me all my life.
3.I got my mail ballot request form for the November election. In Texas, mail-in ballots are for those 65+ or with a disability. Worry about your health doesn’t count, although I suspect there will be some white lies around that this year.
4. Kim’s lantern in the kitchen is shining for quite a long while tonight. I know it’s science, but sometimes it’s unexplainable by the science I know. Edit: It’s been lit for almost 45 minutes so far.
5. Tucked several episodes of Downton Abbey under my belt this afternoon/evening. A delightful way to spend the hot day indoors.
I’d love to hear what made you happy today — or any day.
Keep going.