Revisit August 14, 2020


1. A friend told me all of Downton Abbey is available on Amazon Prime. So I watched Episode 1 tonight. So satisfying!

2. I have reservations for the Dallas Museum of Art next weekend. They are admitting small groups of people at a time. It’s big. It’s air conditioned. It’s free. Checks my boxes!

3. Magnificent nap.

4. Some yard work this morning about 630 when it was only 80.

5. A little more art and a little more thinking about art today.

I’d love to hear what made you happy today! Or any day.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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