Revisit April 12, 2019

5 things that made me happy today:

1. $$ are already in my Venmo account from the young man who gently rear ended my car Wednesday night in Plano. For paint touch up.

2. The woodpecker is back at his perch in the pecan across the street. Ms Woodpecker is nowhere to be seen.

3. A wonderful visit with an old friend who is one of the world’s best listeners. I have wonderful friends. Thank you,

Sue Harvey Harrison


4. Finally watched the full slide show from

Kim Loehr Soto

‘s memorial service. I only watched pieces of it at the event. What a wonderful slice of her life. Thank you,

Deborah Chaplin

and all who contributed. The link is in the comments.

5. My incision is healing really fast. I only had the procedure on Monday. I must have (a) good genes, (b) a really skilled doctor, or © an angel on my shoulder.

Bonus: 6. My friend

Amy Martin

is home from the hospital, healing from an accident last weekend. I’m grinning thinking of the various healing rituals that are happening in her honor all over (at least) north Texas!

How about you?

Keep going.



MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.