October 2019


Starting about day #249

October 1

1. My Global Conference paper submitted and received. November 18 acceptances go out.
2. Got all sorts of things done around the Soto house while putting the finishing touches on my paper.
3 Worked out a plan with Ruby’s counselor for her trip to Costa Rica later this month. She’ll miss a week of school.
4. My shady parking spot was available for TWO trips to WalMart today because
5. I took a second trip to return for 3 pairs of black flats (for Ruby’s choir uniform) that she didn’t like. I feel quite accomplished to have found one that fits and she likes.

October 2
1. My next deadline for submitting anything is Saturday.
2. I bought the supplies this afternoon.
3. I recruited a helper.
4. Made an appointment with said helper.
5. On another note, just heard this morning that a friend is coming for a visit in a few more weeks. We haven’t been in the same room for several years. I am so looking forward!

October 3

1. Ruby’s school choir concert was tonight. Good job all around. They used the St James Methodist sanctuary on Plano Parkway, a beautiful space. Middle school kids are pretty interesting to watch. Huge variation in maturity and height!!
2. Still have to build frames for my collage work for the TVAA show. Drop off is Saturday. Plan A abandoned. Plan B came together this evening. Yay.
3. Spending so many semi-sick hours with Max has been a happy thing. When he’s not in a stupor, he’s quite conversational with amazing pockets of knowledge and curiosity.
4. I’m the only person regularly in the Soto household who ISN’T sick with what must be the same virus. May it continue to be so.
5. Really enjoying Atwood’s new novel, The Testaments. That woman can write a page turner.

October 4
1. Huge Black Bengal took a reading break with me today, stretched out on my bed. He is such a snuggler. He loved Kim Loehr Soto. I think I am his new Person.
2. Wow! An explosion of listers. I saw a half a dozen this morning. Seeing one list makes me happy, 4 or 5 makes me delirious.
3. Peppy music on hold this morning had me up and dancing with the phone to my ear. Jupiter the dog thought I wanted to dance/play with him. Silliness ensued as I tried to calm him down and the service guy came back on the phone.
4. Mañin Soto and Ruby helped me make frames for my three collage pieces which are going to the TVAA show tomorrow. It must have been 110 in the garage but we got finished!
5. Max worked on a research paper about careers that use chemistry. He had picked chef. He found so much information in about 20 minutes that his forced interest turned into curiosity. I love that.
6. BONUS: Oh my. Baby Rowan is getting his new liver right now! Send prayers. Follow link in first comment.

October 5

1. Slept really late.
2. Finished all the work on my 3 art pieces and got them to the venue for the show next week.
3. Finished reading Atwood’s The Testaments. Wow! Just wow! Incredible writing. Amazing plot.
4. Spent an hour or so with the zoom “retirement party” for three Wisdom staff who have made a difference in my life in ways powerful and numerous. Perhaps one day I will grow up to be like them.
5. A wild afternoon at church assisting in finishing the 120-year-anniversary exhibit that will be shown tomorrow. Someday the story will be known of its genesis and it will be a textbook study of how not to create and manage a volunteer project. For now, it is done and I’m happy.

October 6

1. Church. Always. We are celebrating 120 years in Dallas. An amazing century plus. Our members have made a huge difference in the community and the world.
2. A long conversation with a friend (who registered me in the est training in 1981, a life changing event).
3. Messing around my house.
4. A brief rainstorm just before dark. “Storm” is a bit of an exaggeration. We need some solid rain!
5. Started Maddow’s new book, a completely different kind of reading than Atwood’s. I love that I love to read.

How about you? What made you happy today? It makes me happy to read about it!

Keep going.

October 7

1. A coyote making a wild dash toward open spaces only a few feet from Ruby’s school bus stop early this morning. A really healthy looking coyote. Sometimes they look so skinny and mangy! Plano coyotes must be well fed!
2. A beautiful fall day (for Dallas) at last. It was under 80 this morning!
3. Working on the germ of an idea for an art piece for the Conference for Global Transformation. It’s a first for the conference.
4. After the solstice, the sun moves (well, the earth) to cast really pretty late afternoon light in my upstairs. Even though I lived here for almost 3 years, it always gives me a little start to see it, and then a little happy jolt to enjoy it.
5. Dinner out of things in my freezer. Not telling what, but it was pleasant just to sit still and eat.

How about you? What made you happy today? I love to hear about it, no matter what the number!



MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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