October 18, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. No kidding. Three crows means, Get out here, lady, with the peanuts. Four means, Peanuts are here but so is the old lady. More means, Come on down, the coast is clear.
2. The really big guy started it all this morning. He gets on the fence directly outside and absolutely aligned with my computer. And makes a racket. I can’t miss him.
3. A junco was on the patio this morning. I don’t remember seeing one there. So pretty.
4. Another really luscious fall-ish day (for Dallas). The light shifts noticeably in the fall and when I brought Ruby home from math tonight it was dead dark at 8 pm.
5. More eagle sightings at White Rock Lake. I’ll be down there again this weekend to see what I can see. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one in the wild. My brother and I drove north on the MIssissippi several years to see dozens and dozens on the river, in the snow and ice, fishing and fishing. (There will not be snow and ice at White Rock Lake any time soon.)
What made you happy today? I love to hear about it.
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