October 17, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. Crow friends arrived at the usual time this morning, including the guy that seems to be the boss and is bigger than the others. I don’t spend enough time with them to definitely ID one from another.
2. Great final day of the Partnership Explorations Course. Such a profoundly related community. Time has something to do with it but of equal weight is the work we do together. And, hooray for zoom!
3. Peeking into someone’s living room, I saw the perfect arrangement for my kitchen/sitting area. Stay tuned.
4. A joy of moving often (no, I didn’t just move again) is having pieces that move from one room to another and back and have multiple uses. This new arrangement involves an old fireplace mantle that used to be in the entry of Leah Siegel’s house, has been in at least two of my abodes, and now is making an appearance in house #3.
5. My younger child has a birthday today and he’s almost half way through his own life. He is turning out well. Some photos below of Eric Loehr.
I’d love to hear what’s made you happy today. Or yesterday.
Keep going.