October 14, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. I’m rating my health/recovery at 90% +. That’s pretty darn good for just a few days. Thanks for your concern and notes of encouragement.
2. Max and I went to White Rock Lake today on an errand run, stopping at Sunset Bay to feed the coot and pigeon population, and scope nearby for bald eagles. No luck on the eagles part but it is thrilling that there’s a pair this year.
3. A couple dozen pelicans are back just about on time, for their winter stay. They are far from shore and a little out of my camera range.
4. Ruby and I ordered a piece of art from a new artist we found, @Jon David Lowe. This is a journal cover. He does amazing collage that reminds me of Ruby’s work. We are going to check it out, up close and personal.
5. A very satisfying first day back in the saddle all together.
I’d love to hear about your day.
Keep going.