November 2, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. I picked up a bike lock (combination) that I haven’t been able to remember the combination for in, oh, five years, and opened it. The mind is a wonderful thing.
2. Got my Pfizer booster for Covid. Got there early, walked right in, walked right out after the 15 minutes. No after effects ten hours later. Can’t remember what happened before. The mind is a wonderful thing.
3. Chilly, wet day but I didn’t have to be outside. I even figured out how to walk under cover while Ruby went to her math class.
4. Got a start on a new puzzle while listening to the radio.
5. A man with the most annoying voice was being interviewed and I just turned it off. That is a Level Up for me. I usually think I should stick it out in case something good is said.
I’d love to hear what made you happy today!
Keep going.