November 19, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. Got my nails done at Signature Nail Bar & Spa — Dallas TX I’ve been going there for several years, every several weeks. It’s a gift I started giving myself when I was 60, for some pampering. Of course, my nail lady and I have become friends.
2. Also saw the safety patrol person who rides a little golf cart around the parking lot of the shopping center. She started noticing my yellow car because we both parked in the shade. I spoke to her the second time we noticed each other and now we talk a bit. Always speak to strangers.
3. A Soto family dinner at a nearby restaurant which will not get a plug. Celebrating Max and Ruby having quite a week. (Max’s tailbone is much better today, btw.)
4. Ruby scored a turnaround at school this week.
5. It’s fun to contemplate a week of staycation coming up tomorrow. Looks like good weather except for a rainy Thanksgiving Day. We’re going to celebrate on Tuesday before part of the family heads for Tulsa. Good planning, eh?
I’d love to hear what made you happy today.
Keep going.