November 13, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. Really amazing fall weather here, starting with another in a series of deep orange sunrises.
2. A few hours of watching high school wrestling this morning. It’s actually a sport that I really like. Some of the matches were quite good. I started to say “gripping,” but that turns out to be a really bad pun.
3. I came home and took a two hour nap. It’s hard work watching all those muscle-y moves.
4. A little puzzle time with my tiny tinny radio in the great light in the front room.
5. A dinner of left over salmon, yellow squash, and sweet onion, sizzled in some butter. Yum. During the preparation of same, I spilled an entire pint container of perfectly ripe blueberries on my dusty kitchen floor. Oh well. There goes dessert.
And you? I’d love to hear what made you happy today.
Keep going.