Monday, July 11, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. It’s 7–11 and that means Granma MarySue’s Annual 7–11 Tour. We topped out at two stores today. A. It was really hot. B. The kids filled up at the first store. One has to pace one self.
2. Excellent return/exchange experience with Amazon and Target. With real people who stayed on the line until I was satisfied.
3. I swear, my hand is noticeably better day to day. Another 24 hours with no Advil.
4. I am gathering a small hand surgery cohort among friends. Who knew so many people had my same condition, or something else that required digging around among fingers?
5.Donnie Freeman recommended Last Tango in Halifax as low-key series watching and he was right. It’s very Shakespearean. If I were still teaching high school, it would make a great compare/contrast assignment.
And you? A couple of moments when you were gobsmacked with the miracles of this life? Come on!!
Keep going.