Monday, January 9, 2023


These things made me happy today:

Max and I spotted a huge swarm of robins this morning, tearing around between some budding trees in the neighborhood. We first thought they were wings but their flight was completely different. There must have been 30 or so together. And just like that, they were gone.

Sunshine. I do like a bright day.

Finished this doozer puzzle this morning. A Wal-Mart special captured in a moment of retail therapy New Year’s weekend. Who says you have to spend the big bucks?

Still in the middle of The West Wing saga. Such good everything. And, as I’ve posted, the same issues still remain. (A side note — after my children were born and I became a paid activist for one non-profit or another, I truly thought that a few years’ hard work would turn things around. I still haven’t processed my disappointment in that fact.)

And you — what made you happy today or this week or this month? I always like to read about it.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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