Monday, January 16, 2023, MLK Day
Things that made me happy today:
Another girls’ indoor soccer game. It is a really fast game. Six players plus the goalie and they basically race from one end to the other for two 25-minute halves. At least at high school skill level. They got beat tonight but it was a good game. Ruby scored a goal on a penalty kick.
Those crows. I swear they see me driving back home and perch in the pear tree and start calling. Some days.
Got some collage materials out today and moved them around, thinking about putting them together. I have a bunch of old books that I am dismantling. And piano music.
I had the most talkative, pleasant older guy bagging my groceries today and walking me to the car. I think he was missing conversation!
I am happy to be blessed with the gift of gab. It runs in my family. Up and down the family tree.
Having an extended warm spell. Nature’s animals and plants are very confused. High 70s tomorrow.
I’d love to hear what’s making you happy these days.
This tree has been here for a really long time. Apparently this condition does not kill trees. Just makes them interesting to look at.
Keep going.