May 3, 2022. Tuesday.
Five things that made me happy today:
1. A Texas anole, about 6" long, surprised me in the back yard this morning. He didn’t seem frightened, just in a hurry, as he scurried his bright green self away.
2. Got Ruby on the way to registering for her classes next year. She’s going to change her language to ASL. She taught herself the alphabet a couple of years ago.
3. A quick trip to Michael’s with Ruby for still more stickers for her and some watercolor paper for me — my favorite background for collage work. I had used up my supply.
4. So many mockingbirds out today. It seemed like one every several yards. And they must be nesting, they fly straight for a hedge. The neighborhood was built in the mid-80’s and every house has a privet or holly hedge in the front yard. I guess we’ll find out in a couple of weeks!
5. Starting Peter Fiekowsky’s new book tonight. I got in on Amazon. I’m looking forward to a bold read about Climate Restoration.
Your turn! What made you happy today?
Keep going.