May 27, 2022. Friday.


Five things that made me happy today:

1. Ruby got As and Bs on her final exams. Yay, Ruby.

2. Max worked some more on his science fiction/fantasy planet/galaxy. I’m not sure what to call it but there’s an encyclopedia’s worth of information — creatures, habitat, plot, bloodlines, etc. He talked about it for 45 minutes or so, straight, while we ate dinner. Later I was in the front room of my house and I heard his voice coming down the street. I looked out to see him and Mañin walking the dog, and Max was still telling the details about a hour later. That boy can talk.

3. We are all still in the glow of last night’s Great Lakes Academy graduation Thursday night. That school is a pulsing of love. Goodness. In the pic, Ms Wofford was the principal at GLA when Max went there, maybe 2 through 7 grades. They still love him. The seven graduates were his classmates then.

4. I interviewed another surgeon today for my hand surgery in June. She’s the one. June 8. I’ll send particulars as we get closer and ask for some healing thoughts. It’s good to have it on the calendar and have some of the logistics worked out.

5. Celebratory dinner tonight at Rodeo Goat Dallas. Good food. Fast service. Enormous place. We sat outside on the porch by the creek. Quite a diverse clientele. I think everyone is kind of giddy these days to gather in public.

Your turn. What made you happy today? It’s a good time to share.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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