March 11, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. I have a mid-morning hot drink with a friend at Corner Bakery.
2. Ruby came along with her ChromeBook and a few other things and sat at a nearby table with her new glasses and a note pad and something else business-like.
3. I handed off my Northeast Minneapolis puzzle box to Cynthia Durham who will be playing with it this week. They are both long-time Minneapolitans.
4. I started on my new puzzle, a gift from Cecilia Galbraith. Very very fun. Pix to come later.
5. My new alley-found bike is at the Soto Bike Shop getting tires inflated, brake cable replaced, and perhaps new tubes. Everything else seems to be in working order.
Your turn!! What made you happy today?
Keep going.