June 8, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. At my physical yesterday, I realized I am a year younger than I thought. I kept having to verify my birthday when they opened up new pages of my record and I started thinking about the math. Duh. It’s only June and my birthday is in February. So I gained an extra year in the last few months. Neat trick, eh?
2. Took Max with me for my annual plum harvest at my friend’s front yard. We picked 20+ pounds of plums and will go back for another 20 or so in a few days. Her “orchard” is down from three trees a few years ago to one now — but what a fertile tree. Or “fecund.” Which is better?
3. After the rain cleared this morning, Max also helped me trim down the ligustrum in my front yard. It survived the snowmageddon But about four feet of the branches were bare and didn’t look like they’d ever recover. We cut about 6' off the top. In a few months, it will be a super lush roundish, shortish bush.
4. I do deserve a medal for outside work in the heat and humidity today. But I am one year younger than a few months ago, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
5. Introducing Max to The Wire tonight. After all, I bought those episodes and they are full of old cars, lots of slang and accents, and boys in baggy pants. I think he’ll like it. We’ll see.
I’d love to hear what made you happy today. Or any day.
Keep going.