June 4, 2022. Saturday.
Five things that made me happy today:
1. An outing to the Waxahachie Gingerbread Tour. Waxahachie is really a pretty town about 35 minutes south of Dallas. Every square inch feels like a small town.
2. It was a beautiful day for a parade of homes, five were on the tour. Fans could buy a ticket at any house that gave them access to all the houses on the tour. I know Kirk Hunter and Maureen Moore had put in a lot of labor and love into their beautiful place.
3. The Soto family joined me in the afternoon. Max was hoping to attend the Midlothian Classic Car Show in Getzendaner Park, but it only ran until 2. It’s a large, grassy, shady park. Perfect for a summer picnic.
4. My station at the Moore/Hunter home was the kitchen. I know a lot about it now. I forgot how much fun it is to stand in front of a group of strangers and act like I know something! I have a latent desire to be a stand-up comedian, I think. I found some laugh lines and used them every time.
5. And, for the rabbit report. A pair were in the front yard when I went out this morning to check on things. I thought I recognized one from a frequent alley runner. He has an enormous, lop-sided cottontail. I like thinking that, even for animals that appear identical, there are always identifying marks. So I think.
Your turn! What made you happy on this first June weekend of 2022?
Keep going.