January 7, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1–5. My tree is in my front yard. Twelve years ago, after Leah Siegel, my daughter-in-law died, I saw a flaming orange red tree on the lot at @Walton’s Garden Center. I circled back and asked what it was. (Leah’s hair was naturally quite red.) I suggested the family get a Chinese pistache (which I had never heard of) to put in the front yard for a memorial. Eric Loehr did and we enjoyed it a lot.
Later, Eric moved from that house but I check on that tree every once in a while. And I’m amazed at how many mature pistaches there are. All over town. Some are planted in the medians. There is an entire church parking lot shaded by pistache trees on Hillcrest Road near LBJ. They’re brilliant for several weeks in the fall.
So, I’ve wanted one for a long time.
Mañin Soto and Max and Ruby got me one for Christmas and it is now in my front yard. A man named Frank and his crew planted it today and it is standing straight and tall (about 8 feet) in the perfect spot on my front lawn.
Below is someone else’s picture of a mature pistache, in the fall. They are beautiful.
Bonus: I helped Baby Thea and her parents pack for a move to Joplin this afternoon. We got a LOT done in just a few hours and I discovered all kinds of noises to make for Thea. Even one that count-on-ably got her to baby giggle. One of the best sounds in the universe.
And you? I’d love to hear your happy stuff. You know, the more you think about it, the more you have.
Keep going.