January 29, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. A joyful, warm, kind, creative day at the Partnership Course where we listened all day to guests who had come to inquire with us into the nature of Partnership.
2. I made tuna salad for my lunch and it was terrific. Just like my mom used to make.
3. I missed taking my tuna salad and my day camp to Stan Carpenter’s house and doing the course there. And I’m happy that the same crew was with me, from their homes, on zoom. We are good friends.
4. I went shopping at 7 am this morning, when my grocery store opens. They re-stock overnight and the shelves are pristine and the goos are lined up like the foot locker contents after six weeks of basic.
5. I bought a quart of milk. In a glass bottle. With a deposit. I like whole milk. Sometimes it’s hard to find.
And you? What made you happy today?
Keep going.