January 26, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. I carved out 30 minutes this morning to finish the cliff-hanger that is the first half of the last season of Ozark. Breath bated.
2. Max and I made a quick trip to Casa Linda for a set of fireplace tools that a friend had offered a couple of months ago. Looks like I might get some use this winter still.
3. On the way we saw the bald eagle’s nest in exactly the place someone had described to me. Boy, do I miss that neighborhood. And, boy, am I happy to know enough about it to know exactly where to look. Come on, birds.
4. I was happy to find out earlier this morning that Dallas Parks and some other organizations are making plans to protect the birds from oglers. Bird oglers are the worst.
5. I got to put the new styrofoam hats on my outdoor faucets tonight. I feel like such a grown up — I knew just how to put them on and the house feels dressed for winter now.
And you? I’d love to hear what made you happy today. Where did you find some?
Keep going.