January 24, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. A coyote in my neighborhood. I like being reminded that we humans are on borrowed land. I hope he made it back to the wildlife highway under the high line. He looked really healthy and well fed. And super confident.
2. My last Covid doctor visit. I’m still positive. And I’ll be positive for a while and there’s no need to keep getting tested. All my symptoms are gone and I’m not contagious. Although I’ll be wearing my mask in public.
3. Max reminded me of a treat I like — big, ring sausage sliced up and fried to a fare-the-well. So I fixed some for myself, with orzo, for dinner. Good simple comfort food.
4. My regular crows were back this morning. The first guy, who I think of as the boss, is quite insistent and always sits on the same tree branch while I get my act together.
5. Another night for reading. Maybe I’ll light the fire. It’ll be the first one for this year.
And you? What’s making you happy these days?
Keep going.