January 15, 2022


Five things that made me happy today:

1. A great zoom class during which I got to tell a true story that would only be funny to those who were in the course. And it was very funny.

2. I put away my last puzzle and got out one I had tried before but given up as just way too hard. I am making substantial progress. I can see my puzzle skills have increased during Covid. I’ll have to remember to list that as a pandemic benefit in the future.

3. I found this collapsible wagon in the alley this morning. It needs a good scrub but seems to be a complete gift from the Great Free Library in the Sky.

4. I made quinoa for supper — sweet, not savory. I had about half a cup of Red Inca (whatever that is) and it was so tasty. I must have got it from the bulk bin long ago because the label was handwritten on a piece of painter tape. Perfect supper on a very chilly night.

5. I fashioned a repair on my back gate in the gale winds this afternoon. Apparently the gate post has settled and the horizontal part no longer connects with the moving part, the “finger-tip release latch.” I looked it up. Plus the second screw from the right has totally reamed out the screw hole and is no longer keeping the horizontal part horizontal.

Living in a succession of rent houses during my growing up years (including the government as my landlord), I learned how to do a variety of mostly unnoticeable repairs, including putting a wooden match in a reamed out screw hole so the screw would hold again. Voila!! Fixed for the moment.

And you? What made you happy today?

Keep going!




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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