January 11, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. I watched the jays this morning. They come as soon as the crows call that the peanuts are out. They bang the peanuts on the fence (where they’re spread) to open the shells. Birds are smarter than we think.
2. Leaf blowers are the bane of the suburbs. BUT today a man who was working at another house across the alley came over and blew the leaves off my driveway and the portion of the alley behind my house. I generally leave them where they fall for mulch and because they ultimately crumble into almost nothing. I stopped him before he got too far because I like to use them for mulch on the strip of grass (???) between the fence and the alley. He asked me if I’d like him to mulch them and put them back down. Sure, said I. I expected him to come back to the door to show me his work and I would give him a tip. He never returned but he did do a great job on grinding up the leaves and spreading them on that strip of “lawn.”
3. Max and I went to look at COLLEGES this afternoon. That’s a sentence I wasn’t sure I’d ever write. We visited two campuses of Collin College (the local community college) and he is so excited. Tomorrow we meet with staff at Einstein to explore dual credit for him next semester. Wow. What a difference a day makes.
4. Lemons.
5. Caramel pudding from Sweet Hut Bakery & Cafe (Plano, TX).
Bonus: New series of Call the Midwife. I discovered how to use PBS Passport.
You? Come on. I know you’ve got some.
Keep going.