Friday, January 13, 2023
Things that made me happy today:
New puzzle start — a re-run of a favorite.
Five crows came this morning. They were puttering around in the alley and nearby when I came back from launching Ruby this morning. I crow-hollered at them from the garage. Closed the door, walked inside, and then immediately to the back yard and hollered again. They assembled in the Bradford pear and I thought I might get them even closer. But, no dice. They were content to wait until I went back inside. In another five or ten years, they will be trained to do math problems.
Errands this afternoon clad only in my fleece jacket. Still really nice January weather, even after the cold front moved in.
My kalanchoe leaf that’s in my little bulb forcing jar is growing roots. That plant. Amazing drive to reproduce. When I am a really old lady, I will have even more time with plants.
It’s Friday. A three-day weekend in front of me. And I have a few plans. You?
What’s making you happy these days.
Keep going.