Friday, February 17, 2023
Things that made me happy today:
Max and I went to Oak Point Park where there is a large and largely empty parking lot and practiced driving for a while. Then we went to Fair Park and practiced driving some more. He’s fine for a road test. Now we need to score a same-day appointment. Or wait until May 5, when he has an official appointment for a road test.
Ruby and I took her Mexican Revolution art poster to FedEx and got a duplicate print made so both houses will have a life size work of hers to display. They did a great job.
Near the Soto house was the most amorous, melodious wren I’ve seen in a long time. They have such a beautiful song. At first I couldn’t find him in the bare crepe myrtle but he kept hopping closer. An interested female was answering his song not far away. That’s the story I made up and I’m sticking with it.
I bought a roast chicken at Market Street. It was not on my list but I walked in that door. They were fresh out of the oven and already falling off the bone! It made a little paste, kept the chicken warm in a cast iron skillet in the oven, and Just Yum. Three or four meals to go from that same little bird.
Pulling into the last half of Educated. It is really a good read. Highly recommended. I’m borrowing it with Libby from the library. Another feature that makes me happy — free books from the free library.
My sister, Nancy Foster, is moving and sent all the siblings giant boxes of things as she winnows down. I got about two cubes of puzzles!! Yowie!
Full day and we’re not done yet. I’d love to hear what made you happy today!
Keep going!