Friday, August 12, 2022
Things that made me happy today:
1. A long visit with a good friend (40+ years) whois moving out of state soon.
2. Lunch at Eatzi’s. Just a sandwich but amazing. I haven’t eaten at Eatzi’s in a few years.
3. Ruby’s first day of school. She stayed all day. No emergency calls. Spending the night with a friend. = 100% success.
4. Max applied for his first job. At Calloway’s (nursery). They start hiring for the fall in a couple of weeks. He filled out an app, talked briefly to an assistant manager. Now we wait.
5. Organizing and selling a few household items. (Kids’ puzzles today.) It’s never too early to re-home stuff.
And you? What made you happy today? I’d love to hear.
Keep going.