February 3, 2022


Five things that made me happy today:

1. Someone stole (or bought) my email and lists of friends and emailed/texted them this afternoon in a prank/hoax, so I heard from some folks I haven’t talked to in ten years or so. Even a dead person sent me an email to let me know the faux info was going around. I wasn’t hacked. My accounts are safe. Someone got their hands on an old list and just went to town. Why did this make me happy? Hearing from friends who are concerned enough with my welfare to call or text me and make sure I’m okay. Take that, you rat.

2. I just had the best day. With all my projects, the ball is in the other court, so I am waiting for a response on this or that. None of them went to work today, or at least they’re not working at home either. So — a day off for everyone.

3. The snow was really pretty here. Alternating layers of snow and freezing sleet. A high of 20 today. Colder tonight. I took several pictures, fed the birds, watered my plants, had a fire going for most of the day, etc.

4. The cats discovered that they can sneak behind my kitchen plant rack and they have a huge bird tv back there with an unobstructed view of the patio and the birds. I’m throwing out fresh seed about once an hour, so there is plenty of action.

5. The Soto family came over this afternoon for ‘smores, prepared in the fireplace. They stayed for a couple of hours and we just had a great family visit. My friend, Sharon Elliott, zoomed with me at our regular time and talked to the whole bunch. Ain’t technology and friends and family just grand?

And you? I bet you might have some Ice stories too.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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